Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. – Reviews

Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. is a dive club located in Werdau, Germany, offering diving opportunities and community events for water enthusiasts.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V.

Address: Kleinbernsdorfer Str. 8A, 08412 Werdau, Germany
Phone: +49 178 4685009
Website: http://www.uc-60-werdau.de/
Main services: Dive club
Reviews: This dive center has over 2 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, Closed; Wednesday, 5 to 8 PM; Thursday, Closed; Friday, Closed; Saturday, Closed; Sunday, 10 AM to 12 PM; Monday, Closed

Location Map – Where is Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V.?

Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. Reviews

What do users think of Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V.? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. has 2 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5.0 stars

The Dive Club Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V.

The Dive Club Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. has been gaining attention for its services and facilities. Users have provided feedback on their experiences, giving insight into the high points and potential areas for improvement. Let’s take a closer look at the overall opinions of users and assess the various services offered by the club.

First, it is important to note the positive remarks made by users. One user, Fredo5, commended the club for its solid training and strong competition team in orienteering diving. Additionally, they mentioned that leisure diving is not neglected, indicating a well-rounded approach to diving activities.

Summary and Evaluation of User Opinions

When reviewing the overall user opinions, it is evident that the Dive Club Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. has received favorable feedback from its members. Solid training and a strong competition team in orienteering diving were highly regarded, highlighting the club’s commitment to providing comprehensive diving programs. The inclusion of leisure diving activities further supports the club’s dedication to catering to a diverse range of diving interests.

Top-Rated Services

Based on user feedback, the following services were highly valued by members:

  1. Solid Training
  2. Competition Team in Orienteering Diving
  3. Leisure Diving Opportunities

Low-Rated Services

There were no specific low-rated services mentioned in the user opinions analyzed.

Service Ratings

After evaluating user opinions, the following ratings are assigned to key services:

  • Customer Service: ★★★★
  • Price: ★★★★
  • Quality in General: ★★★★★
  • Punctuality: ★★★★


The Dive Club Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V. has received positive feedback from users, particularly in the areas of training, competition teams, and leisure diving opportunities. With a strong emphasis on providing quality services, the club has garnered praise for its commitment to meeting the diverse needs of its members. Overall, the user opinions reflect a high level of satisfaction with the club’s offerings, positioning it as a reputable diving establishment in Werdau, Germany.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V.

See Google reviews of Unterwasserclub 1960 Werdau/Sa. e.V.

About the author
Araceli Molina