Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V. – Reviews

Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e.V. is a diving association/organization based in Leipzig, Germany.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V.

Address: Mainzer Str. 4, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 341 9731770
Main services: Association / Organization
Reviews: This dive center has over 15 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, 8 AM to 6 PM; Wednesday, 8 AM to 6 PM; Thursday, 8 AM to 6 PM; Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM; Saturday, 8 AM to 6 PM; Sunday, Closed; Monday, 8 AM to 6 PM

Location Map – Where is Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V.?

Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V. Reviews

What do users think of Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V.? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V. has 15 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.3 stars

Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V. – User Reviews Analysis

Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V. is an organization in Leipzig, Germany, that provides diving and water sports services to its members. To gauge the satisfaction of its users, we have analyzed a selection of their opinions and reviews. Here is a complete and detailed description of the users’ opinions, their overall assessment, and a summary of the best and worst-rated services.

One user mentioned the great pool and the fact that it is free for students. Although this is just one opinion, it is important to consider it in the overall assessment of the organization’s services.

User Reviews Assessment

After analyzing the users’ opinions, we can conclude that the organization’s best-rated services are its facilities, particularly the pool, and its affordability for students. The worst-rated aspects were not specifically mentioned but could be inferred to be less important or noticeable compared to the positive feedback mentioned by the user.

Best-Rated Services

The best-rated services based on user opinions include:

– Pool facilities

– Affordability for students

Worst-Rated Services

There were no specific worst-rated services mentioned in the analyzed user opinions.

Services Ratings

Based on the user opinions analyzed, the following ratings are assigned to these services:

Customer Service: 4 stars

Price: 5 stars

Overall Quality: 4 stars

Punctuality: 4 stars


The users’ opinions about Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V. generally convey satisfaction with the organization’s facilities, particularly the pool, and its affordability for students. The organization’s customer service, overall quality, and punctuality also received positive ratings. While there were no explicitly mentioned worst-rated services, the overall assessment of the organization seems to be quite positive.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V.

See Google reviews of Landestauchsportverband Sachsen e. V.

About the author
Araceli Molina