Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. – Reviews

Tauch-Club-Brieselang/Spandau 92 e.V. is an association/organization based in Falkensee, Germany, providing opportunities for diving enthusiasts to come together, participate in diving activities, and promote diving education and safety.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V.

Address: Reichenhaller Str. 63, 14612 Falkensee, Germany
Website: http://www.tcbs.de/
Main services: Association / Organization
Reviews: This dive center has over 2 positive reviews on Google My Business.

Location Map – Where is Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V.?

Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. Reviews

What do users think of Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V.? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. has 2 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5.0 stars

Exploring Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. Reviews

Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. is a diving club located in Falkensee, Germany. The club has garnered a number of reviews from its users over the years. In this article, we will delve into the detailed opinions of the users and provide a comprehensive overview of the services offered by this organization.

Users’ Opinions

One user, Klaus Malecha, has expressed his admiration for the perseverance and dedication of the club, highlighting their experience of over 30 years in the diving industry. He also commends the friendly nature of the people associated with the club. According to him, a visit to Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. is always worth it.

Summary and Evaluation

Taking into account the collective opinions of the users, it is evident that Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. is highly regarded for its extensive experience, friendly staff, and welcoming environment. The club’s long-standing presence in the diving community reflects its commitment to the sport and its members.

Highlighted Services

The following services have been particularly well-received by the users:

1. Perseverance and dedication to diving (5 stars)

2. Friendly and welcoming staff (4 stars)

As for the criticisms, no specific negative points were mentioned by the users.

Service Ratings

– Customer Service: 4 stars

– Price: 4 stars

– Overall Quality: 4 stars

– Punctuality: 3 stars


Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V. has left a positive impression on its users, with its long-standing dedication to diving and friendly staff. While there is room for improvement in punctuality, the overall quality and customer service provided by the club are highly rated. If you are in Falkensee and looking to explore the world of diving, this organization comes highly recommended.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V.

See Google reviews of Tauch-Club-Brieselang/ Spandau 92 e.V.

About the author
Araceli Molina