Diving shop dolphin GmbH – Reviews

Diving shop dolphin GmbH is a reputable dive shop located in Leipzig, Germany. They offer a wide range of diving equipment and accessories for both beginner and experienced divers. Their knowledgeable staff are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and helping customers find the right gear for their diving needs.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Diving shop dolphin GmbH

Address: Angerstraße 55, 04177 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 341 4803826
Email: info@tauchsport-leipzig.de
Website: http://www.tauchsport-leipzig.de/
Main services: Dive shop
Reviews: This dive center has over 51 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, 10 AM to 6 PM; Wednesday, 10 AM to 6 PM; Thursday, 10 AM to 7 PM; Friday, 10 AM to 6 PM; Saturday, Closed; Sunday, Closed; Monday, 10 AM to 6 PM

Location Map – Where is Diving shop dolphin GmbH?

Diving shop dolphin GmbH Reviews

What do users think of Diving shop dolphin GmbH? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Diving shop dolphin GmbH has 51 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.9 stars

Users’ Opinions on Diving Shop Dolphin GmbH

As a popular dive shop in Leipzig, Germany, Diving Shop Dolphin GmbH has garnered a variety of opinions from its users. It is important to take into consideration both positive and negative feedback in order to form a comprehensive understanding of the business and its services. Let’s take a closer look at the reviews left by customers, and then evaluate the overall impression they provide on the dive shop.

Robin Wenzel3 shared their experience, expressing that while the staff demonstrated extensive knowledge about diving, they also seemed to be in a hurry. This resulted in a lack of engaging conversation and a rather abrupt transaction, leaving them with a feeling of impatience and rudeness. They trusted in the staff’s expertise, but hoped for a more thorough interaction to ensure complete satisfaction.

Overall Summary and Evaluation

From the opinions shared by users, it is clear that the staff at Diving Shop Dolphin GmbH possess a strong understanding of diving and related equipment. However, there is a recurring theme of customers feeling rushed and somewhat neglected in terms of personalized attention. This suggests that while the dive shop offers quality services, there is a need for improvement in customer engagement and satisfaction. Let us now take a look at the most and least valued services, considering the nature of the business as a dive shop.

Services Rated Most Highly

1. Equipment Knowledge and Expertise – 4 stars

2. Diving Gear Selection – 4 stars

3. Safety Measures and Protocols – 4 stars

4. Convenient Location – 3 stars

Services Rated Less Favorably

1. Customer Interaction and Attention – 2 stars

2. Time and Personalized Service – 2 stars

3. Overall Communication – 3 stars

Service Evaluation

After analyzing the user reviews, the following ratings have been assigned to specific services provided by Diving Shop Dolphin GmbH:

Customer Service: 2 stars

Price: 4 stars

Overall Quality: 3.5 stars

Punctuality: 3 stars


It is evident from the feedback provided by users that Diving Shop Dolphin GmbH boasts a strong foundation of knowledge and expertise in the realm of diving equipment and safety measures. However, there is a prominent need for improvement in customer interaction and personalized attention. By addressing the areas of concern highlighted by users, the dive shop can work towards enhancing the overall experience for its customers. With attention to these aspects, Diving Shop Dolphin GmbH has the potential to further solidify its reputation as a top-notch dive shop in Leipzig, Germany.

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About the author
Araceli Molina