1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee – Reviews

1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee is a SCUBA instructor located in Strausberg, Germany.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee

Address: Wriezener Straße Kultupark, 15344 Strausberg, Germany
Phone: +49 174 7888001
Website: http://www.1a-tauchcenter.de/
Main services: SCUBA instructor
Reviews: This dive center has over 83 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, Closed; Wednesday, Closed; Thursday, Closed; Friday, Closed; Saturday, 10 AM to 6 PM; Sunday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Monday, Closed

Location Map – Where is 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee?

1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee Reviews

What do users think of 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee? Does it have good or bad reviews?

1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee has 83 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.5 stars

SCUBA Instructor 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee: User Reviews

1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee is a SCUBA instructor located in Strausberg, Germany. The business has received a mix of reviews from its users, with some praising its services and others pointing out areas for improvement. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the user reviews, highlighting the most valued services and identifying any areas of concern.

Summary of User Reviews

The overall consensus among users is that 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee provides good service and a nice treatment. The team is described as very friendly and helpful, which has contributed to a positive experience for many users. These comments suggest that the business excels in customer service and creating a welcoming atmosphere for its clients.

Most Valued Services

Based on the user reviews, the following services are most valued by customers:

  • Customer Service
  • Friendly and Helpful Team
  • Nice Treatment

These aspects of the business seem to have made a significant impression on users, demonstrating the importance of excellent customer service and a welcoming environment in the SCUBA instruction industry.

Areas for Improvement

While the overall feedback is positive, there were no specific areas of concern mentioned in the user reviews. It is important for the business to continuously seek feedback and address any potential areas for improvement in order to maintain a high level of service.

Rating of Services

After analyzing the user reviews, the following ratings are assigned to the specific services mentioned:

  • Customer Service: 5 stars
  • Friendly and Helpful Team: 5 stars
  • Nice Treatment: 4 stars

These ratings reflect the positive experiences shared by users, highlighting the strength of 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee in delivering exceptional customer service and creating a welcoming atmosphere for SCUBA enthusiasts.

In conclusion, the user reviews of 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee indicate a high level of satisfaction with the services provided. The business’ commitment to excellent customer service and a friendly, helpful team has resonated with users, resulting in positive feedback. By continuing to prioritize these aspects and addressing any potential areas for improvement, 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee can further enhance its reputation as a leading SCUBA instructor in Strausberg, Germany.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee

See Google reviews of 1A-Tauchcenter Tauchbasis am Straussee

About the author
Araceli Molina