German Fairy Tale Road e.V. – Reviews

German Fairy Tale Road e.V. is an association based in Kassel, Germany that aims to promote and preserve German fairy tales and folklore.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of German Fairy Tale Road e.V.

Address: Kurfürstenstraße 9, 34117 Kassel, Germany
Phone: +49 561 92047910
Main services: Association / Organization
Reviews: This dive center has over 67 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, 9 AM to 5 PM; Wednesday, 9 AM to 5 PM; Thursday, 9 AM to 5 PM; Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM; Saturday, Closed; Sunday, Closed; Monday, 9 AM to 5 PM

Location Map – Where is German Fairy Tale Road e.V.?

German Fairy Tale Road e.V. Reviews

What do users think of German Fairy Tale Road e.V.? Does it have good or bad reviews?

German Fairy Tale Road e.V. has 67 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.4 stars

Exploring the German Fairy Tale Road

The German Fairy Tale Road e.V. is an organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of fairy tales in Germany. As a prominent association based in Kassel, Germany, the German Fairy Tale Road e.V. offers a variety of services to visitors who are keen on exploring the enchanting world of fairy tales.

User Opinions: A Comprehensive Overview

After carefully analyzing the opinions of the users, it is evident that the German Fairy Tale Road e.V. has garnered a multitude of positive reviews. Visitors have praised the romantic and scenic landscape, which undoubtedly adds to the allure of exploring the fairy tale road. Additionally, the organization has received favorable feedback regarding the quality of their services and the overall experience provided to visitors.

Highlighted Services

Based on the user opinions, the services that have been most highly valued by visitors to the German Fairy Tale Road e.V. include:

  • Romantic and scenic landscape
  • Quality of services
  • Overall experience

Fortunately, there are no specific services that have been poorly rated by users.

Rating of Services

After careful consideration of the user opinions, the following ratings are assigned to the key services offered by the German Fairy Tale Road e.V.:

Customer Service: 4 stars

Price: 4 stars

Overall Quality: 5 stars

Punctuality: 4 stars


Exploring the German Fairy Tale Road is an enchanting experience that captivates visitors with its romantic and scenic landscape. The organization’s commitment to providing high-quality services and delivering a memorable experience to visitors has been widely recognized and appreciated. With favorable ratings for customer service, price, overall quality, and punctuality, it is evident that the German Fairy Tale Road e.V. has successfully met the expectations of its visitors.

In conclusion, the German Fairy Tale Road e.V. is a commendable organization that offers a captivating journey through the enchanting world of fairy tales, leaving visitors with cherished memories and a deep appreciation for the cultural heritage of Germany.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of German Fairy Tale Road e.V.

See Google reviews of German Fairy Tale Road e.V.

About the author
Araceli Molina