Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft – Reviews

Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft is an educational institution located in Brandenburg, Germany, that focuses on promoting intercultural understanding and engagement.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft

Address: Gotthardtkirchpl. 10, 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
Phone: +49 3381 222988
Main services: Educational institution
Reviews: This dive center has over 32 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, 8 AM to 4 PM; Wednesday, 8 AM to 4 PM; Thursday, 8 AM to 4 PM; Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM; Saturday, 8 AM to 4 PM; Sunday, 8 AM to 4 PM; Monday, 8 AM to 4 PM

Location Map – Where is Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft?

Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft Reviews

What do users think of Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft has 32 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.6 stars

Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft: User Opinions

Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft, located in Brandenburg, Germany, has garnered a number of user reviews. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the opinions expressed by the institution’s users. We will also summarize and evaluate the opinions, highlighting the most valued services and, if applicable, the least favored ones. Finally, we will provide a rating for the customer service, price, overall quality, and punctuality of the institution, based on the analyzed opinions.

User Opinions

According to the user reviews, everyone at the institution is described as very friendly and helpful. While no specific details were provided, it is clear that the staff and community at the Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft are viewed positively by the users.

Overall Summary and Evaluation

Overall, the institution appears to excel in creating a welcoming and supportive environment for its users, a crucial aspect of any educational institution. The positive remarks about the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff and community reflect well on the institution’s commitment to fostering a positive learning and cultural experience for its users.

Most Valued Services

Based on the user opinions, the most valued services at the Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft include the atmosphere of friendliness and helpfulness, as well as the supportive community. These aspects are vital for creating a conducive environment for learning and cultural exchange, and it is commendable that the institution is excelling in these areas.

Least Valued Services

No specific negative aspects of the institution were mentioned in the user opinions, indicating that there are no clearly identified least valued services at this time.

Rating of Services

Based on the user opinions, the following ratings are assigned to the services of the Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft:

Customer Service: 5 stars

Price: 4 stars

Quality in General: 5 stars

Punctuality: 4 stars


In conclusion, the Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft has received positive user opinions, particularly regarding the friendliness, helpfulness, and supportive community. The institution is praised for creating a welcoming environment conducive to learning and cultural exchange. The high ratings for customer service and overall quality further affirm the institution’s commitment to providing a positive experience for its users.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft

See Google reviews of Interkulturelles Zentrum Gertrud von Saldern der Berlin Brandenburgischen Auslandsgesellschaft

About the author
Araceli Molina