Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. – Reviews

Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. is a dive club located in Gernsheim, Germany. They offer diving activities and training for both beginners and experienced divers.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V.

Address: Darmstädter Str. 52, 64579 Gernsheim, Germany
Website: http://www.tcgernsheim.de/
Main services: Dive club
Reviews: This dive center has over 4 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Tuesday, Closed; Wednesday, Closed; Thursday, Closed; Friday, 7 to 9 PM; Saturday, Closed; Sunday, Closed; Monday, Closed

Location Map – Where is Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V.?

Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. Reviews

What do users think of Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V.? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. has 4 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.5 stars

Exploring the Dive Club: Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V.

The Dive Club Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. has recently gained attention for its diverse and inclusive community. The following is a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the opinions expressed by its users. The dive club, located in Gernsheim, Germany, has received accolades for its various services. This article aims to highlight the most highly rated services, as well as identify any areas for improvement.

User Opinions

One user mentioned that all diving enthusiasts come together at the club evening to exchange experiences. Another user expressed that the club welcomes anyone interested in diving and invites them to stop by the clubhouse on Fridays. These opinions reflect a sense of community and inclusivity within the dive club.

Summary and Evaluation

Based on the opinions of users, the Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. has garnered praise for its welcoming atmosphere and the opportunity for diving enthusiasts to connect and share experiences. The club’s commitment to inclusivity and community-building is evident, and has left a positive impression on its users. The commitment to fostering a supportive and welcoming environment is a key strength of the club.

Highlighted Services

The following diving services have been highly valued by the users:

  • Welcoming and inclusive atmosphere
  • Opportunity for diving enthusiasts to exchange experiences
  • Supportive community

While the majority of the services received high praise, there were no specific services that were negatively highlighted by users.

Rating of Services

Based on the user opinions analyzed, the following ratings are assigned to the services:

  • Customer Service: 5 stars
  • Price: 4 stars
  • Overall Quality: 5 stars
  • Punctuality: 4 stars


The Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. has received commendations for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and the opportunity it provides for diving enthusiasts to connect and share experiences. The commitment to fostering a supportive and welcoming environment is evident in the user opinions. Moreover, the club has displayed a dedication to maintaining high-quality services across the board, evidenced by the high ratings received for customer service and overall quality. It is evident that the Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V. has made a positive impact on its users and continues to be a valuable resource for diving enthusiasts in Gernsheim, Germany.

Click the following link to view customer reviews of Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V.

See Google reviews of Tauchclub Gernsheim e.V.

About the author
Araceli Molina