Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. – Reviews

Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. is a dive club located in Plauen, Germany. They offer diving excursions, training, and events for diving enthusiasts in the area.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V.

Address: Ziegelstraße 35, 08523 Plauen, Germany
Website: https://www.tauchclub-nemo.de/
Main services: Dive club
Reviews: This dive center has over 8 positive reviews on Google My Business.

Location Map – Where is Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V.?

Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. Reviews

What do users think of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V.? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. has 8 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.5 stars

Exploring the User Reviews of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V.

Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. is a dive club located in Plauen, Germany. This club offers a range of services to diving enthusiasts, including training, competitions, and group diving excursions. To gain a deeper understanding of the user experience at Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V., we have gathered and analyzed a selection of user reviews.

User Reviews Summary and Evaluation

Overall, the user reviews of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. indicate a high level of satisfaction with the club’s offerings. Many users appreciate the friendly and welcoming atmosphere at the club, as well as the opportunities for finswimming and participation in competitions. However, there is a common sentiment among users that the club could benefit from a larger member base.

The most highly valued services at Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. appear to be the opportunities for finswimming and the camaraderie experienced during club activities and competitions. Users also appreciate the professional training and guidance provided by the club. In general, the reviews highlight the positive and inclusive ethos of the club, which is a key draw for many members.

Top-Rated Services

– Finswimming opportunities

– Professional training and guidance

– Friendly and welcoming atmosphere

– Camaraderie during club activities and competitions

Least-Rated Services

Based on the user reviews analyzed, no specific services were consistently rated as the least favorable. However, the desire for a larger member base was a common theme among the reviews, indicating that this aspect could potentially be improved.

Service Ratings

– Customer service: ★★★★

– Pricing: ★★★

– Overall quality: ★★★★

– Punctuality: ★★★★

The user reviews of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. suggest that the club excels in customer service and overall quality, while pricing and punctuality are rated slightly lower. These ratings reflect the overall positive experiences of users, as well as areas that could potentially be improved.


In conclusion, the user reviews of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. offer valuable insights into the experiences of members at the dive club. The positive feedback regarding finswimming opportunities, camaraderie, and professional training highlights the strengths of the club. However, the desire for a larger member base and suggestions for improvement in pricing and punctuality indicate areas for potential growth. Overall, Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V. provides a welcoming and engaging environment for diving enthusiasts, with a strong emphasis on fostering a sense of community among its members.

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See Google reviews of Tauchclub NEMO Plauen e.V.

About the author
Araceli Molina