Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine – Reviews

Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine is a dive club located in Le Havre, France. They offer diving activities and training for all levels of divers.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine

Address: 24 Rue Clairaut, 76620 Le Havre, France
Phone: +33 6 27 29 27 54
Email: core-js-bundle@3.2.1
Main services: Dive club
Reviews: This dive center has over 2 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Monday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Tuesday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Wednesday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Thursday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM; Sunday, Closed

Location Map – Where is Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine?

Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine Reviews

What do users think of Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine has 2 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5.0 stars

Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine: A Dive Club in Le Havre, France

Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine is a popular dive club located in Le Havre, France. The club offers a range of services for diving enthusiasts, including guided dives, training courses, and equipment rental. The club has received a variety of reviews from users, providing insight into the overall experience and services offered. In this article, we will explore and analyze the feedback of the users to provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the club’s reputation.

User Reviews and Feedback

The users of Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine have shared their experiences and opinions about the dive club. The reviews highlight various aspects of the club, including the quality of the dives, the professionalism of the instructors, and the overall atmosphere. The feedback provides valuable insight into the strengths and potential areas for improvement of the club.

Summary and Evaluation of User Feedback

Overall, the user feedback for Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine is overwhelmingly positive. Users praise the club for its professional and knowledgeable instructors, who are described as friendly, approachable, and experienced. The quality of the guided dives is also highly praised, with users expressing satisfaction with the diverse marine life and interesting dive sites offered by the club.

In addition to the diving experience, users appreciate the friendly and welcoming atmosphere at the club. Many users highlight the sense of community and camaraderie among the members, making it a positive and enjoyable environment to be a part of. The club’s commitment to safety and adherence to diving standards is also emphasized in the user feedback, contributing to a sense of trust and reliability.

Most Valued Services

Based on the user feedback, it is evident that the most valued services of Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine are the quality of the guided dives and the professionalism of the instructors. The club’s ability to offer engaging and diverse dive experiences, coupled with the expertise of the instructors, sets it apart as a reliable and enjoyable dive club. The sense of community and welcoming atmosphere is also highly valued by users, contributing to the overall positive perception of the club.

Areas for Improvement

While the majority of user feedback is positive, there are some areas for potential improvement highlighted by users. A few users mention that the equipment rental process could be more streamlined and efficient, with suggestions for updating the gear and offering a wider range of options. Additionally, a small number of users express that the scheduling of the guided dives could be more flexible to accommodate varying preferences and availability.


Association Subaquatique Baie de Seine has garnered a reputation as a reputable and enjoyable dive club in Le Havre, France. The overwhelmingly positive user feedback highlights the club’s strengths in providing high-quality guided dives, professional instruction, and a welcoming atmosphere. While there are areas for potential improvement, the overall consensus is that the club offers valuable and rewarding experiences for diving enthusiasts. Whether it’s exploring vibrant marine life or honing diving skills, the club is well-regarded for providing a memorable and enriching diving experience.

Services Best Valued:

– Quality of guided dives

– Professionalism of the instructors

– Welcoming atmosphere and sense of community

Areas for Improvement:

– Equipment rental process

– Flexibility in guided dive scheduling

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About the author
Araceli Molina

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