Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne – Reviews

Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne is a sports club located in Le Perreux-sur-Marne, France, offering a variety of aquatic activities for all ages and skill levels.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne

Address: Mairie du Perreux, Place de la Libération, 94170 Le Perreux-sur-Marne, France
Phone: +33 6 95 76 94 51
Website: http://hydronautesduperreux.fr/
Main services: Sports club
Reviews: This dive center has over 7 positive reviews on Google My Business.

Location Map – Where is Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne?

Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne Reviews

What do users think of Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne has 7 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5.0 stars

Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne: A Comprehensive Review of User Opinions

Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne is a well-known sports club located in Le Perreux-sur-Marne, France. The club offers a variety of activities and services including swimming, fitness training, and wellness facilities. To gain insight into the experiences of the club’s users, we have compiled and analyzed their opinions. Below is a summary and evaluation of the user reviews, highlighting the most valued services at the sports club.

Overall User Opinions

The user opinions of Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne are overwhelmingly positive, with many users praising the club for its welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Several users have also mentioned the possibility of passage to higher levels with very good results, indicating a high level of satisfaction with the club’s training programs.

Highlights of Positive User Opinions

One of the most valued aspects of the sports club is its friendly atmosphere, creating a welcoming environment for users to enjoy their time at the facility. Additionally, the possibility of achieving excellent results through the club’s training programs has been highlighted as a standout feature by several users.

List of Most Valued Services

Based on the user opinions, the most valued services at Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne include:

  • Excellent training programs
  • Welcoming and friendly atmosphere
  • Possibility of passage to higher levels


Overall, the user opinions of Les Hydronautes du Perreux sur Marne paint a picture of a sports club with a strong emphasis on providing a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, as well as effective training programs that yield positive results for its users. The club’s commitment to offering a supportive and encouraging environment is evident in the feedback provided by its users.

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About the author
Araceli Molina

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