Maïali Plongée – Reviews

Maïali Plongée is a dive club located in Béligneux, France. They offer a range of diving courses and excursions for both beginners and experienced divers. With professional instructors and a variety of dive sites to explore, Maïali Plongée provides a safe and enjoyable diving experience for all.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Maïali Plongée

Address: Camp de la valbonne, 68ème Régiment d'Artillerie, 01360 Béligneux, France
Phone: +33 6 62 64 12 94
Email: core-js-bundle@3.2.1
Main services: Dive club
Reviews: This dive center has over 3 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: Monday, Closed; Tuesday, 7:30 to 10 PM; Wednesday, Closed; Thursday, 7:30 to 10 PM; Friday, Closed; Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12 PM; Sunday, Closed

Location Map – Where is Maïali Plongée?

Maïali Plongée Reviews

What do users think of Maïali Plongée? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Maïali Plongée has 3 reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.7 stars

Maïali Plongée: A Dive Club Review

Are you looking for a dive club in Béligneux, France? Look no further than Maïali Plongée! This dive club has received a variety of reviews from its users, and we’re here to provide a comprehensive summary and evaluation of their opinions.

According to one user, the club is located at the heart of the camp, providing easy access to the swimming pool and premises for training. The club is associative, originally military, but now managed by civilians. Another user mentions that they have been diving with the club for 3 years and find the supervision provided by volunteers to be up to the task.

Overall, the users’ opinions paint a positive picture of Maïali Plongée, highlighting several aspects of the club that are worth noting.

Summary and Evaluation

Based on the feedback provided by the users, it is clear that Maïali Plongée offers several advantages that appeal to diving enthusiasts. The club’s location at the heart of the camp provides easy access to the swimming pool and premises, allowing for more training opportunities. Additionally, the fact that the club is now managed by civilians indicates a shift in its management structure, potentially leading to improved operations and services.

Moreover, the positive feedback regarding the supervision provided by volunteers suggests that the club places a strong emphasis on safety and quality guidance for its members. This is a crucial aspect of any dive club, as it ensures that divers feel supported and secure throughout their diving experiences.

It is important to note that while the club may rely on volunteers for supervision, the users’ feedback indicates that these volunteers are more than capable of fulfilling their responsibilities. This is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the individuals involved with the club, further enhancing its appeal to potential members.

Top-rated Services

Based on the users’ opinions, the following services are highly valued at Maïali Plongée:

  1. Access to the swimming pool and premises for training
  2. Supervision provided by volunteers
  3. Location at the heart of the camp


In conclusion, Maïali Plongée appears to be a well-regarded dive club in Béligneux, France, based on the feedback provided by its users. The club’s location and management structure, coupled with the quality of supervision provided by volunteers, set it apart as a favorable choice for diving enthusiasts. Potential members can confidently consider Maïali Plongée for their diving needs, knowing that the club’s positive attributes have been highlighted by those who have experienced it firsthand.

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About the author
Araceli Molina

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