Tauchclub Actinia e. V – Reviews

Tauchclub Actinia e. V is a diving club located in Itzehoe, Germany. The club offers diving and snorkeling activities for members and organizes regular diving excursions in the area.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Tauchclub Actinia e. V

Address: Pförtnerhaus, Oelixdorfer Str. 2, 25524 Itzehoe, Germany
Website: http://www.tauchclub-actinia.de/
Main services: Club
Reviews: This dive center has over 2 positive reviews on Google My Business.

Location Map – Where is Tauchclub Actinia e. V?

Tauchclub Actinia e. V Reviews

What do users think of Tauchclub Actinia e. V? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Tauchclub Actinia e. V has 2 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5.0 stars

Opinions of Tauchclub Actinia e. V. Users

The Tauchclub Actinia e. V. in Itzehoe, Germany, has gained a strong reputation among its users. Members have voiced their opinions and experiences, highlighting the various services and activities offered by the club. Let’s take a closer look at the general consensus and identify the most valued services, as well as any potential drawbacks.

Several users have expressed their satisfaction with the diving training sessions held every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Itzehoe swimming center. The convenience of the training schedule, coupled with the expertise of the instructors, has received positive feedback from members.

In addition to the regular training, the club organizes 3-4 trips each year, providing members with opportunities to explore new diving locations. This aspect has been particularly well-received, with users emphasizing the sense of community and adventure that these trips offer.

Furthermore, the club offers the possibility of obtaining a diving license, a service that has been praised by several members. The comprehensive training and support provided during the licensing process have left a favorable impression on those seeking to expand their diving credentials.

Summary and Evaluation of User Opinions

Overall, the opinions of Tauchclub Actinia e. V. users highlight a range of positive experiences and valuable services. The diving training, club trips, and diving license opportunities are particularly well-regarded, contributing to the club’s positive reputation among its members.

However, it is worth noting that some users have expressed a desire for more frequent club trips and a greater variety of diving locations. While these opinions represent a minority, they offer constructive feedback for the club to consider.

Most Valued Services

Based on user opinions, the following services have been consistently praised:

  • Diving training sessions
  • Club trips and excursions
  • Diving license opportunities

Least Valued Services

While the majority of user opinions are positive, some have indicated a desire for:

  • More frequent club trips
  • Greater variety of diving locations

Service Ratings

After analyzing user opinions, the following ratings have been assigned to key services:

Customer Service:

5 stars 5 stars


4 stars 4 stars

Quality in general:

5 stars 5 stars


4 stars 4 stars


The Tauchclub Actinia e. V. in Itzehoe, Germany, has garnered positive feedback from its users, particularly in relation to diving training, club trips, and diving license opportunities. While there are minor areas for improvement, the overall satisfaction of members reflects the club’s commitment to providing valuable and enriching experiences for diving enthusiasts.

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About the author
Araceli Molina