Irvine Sub Aqua Club – Reviews

Irvine Sub Aqua Club is a SCUBA instructor located in Irvine, United Kingdom. They offer personalized training and diving experiences for all levels of divers, from beginners to advanced. Join them to explore the underwater world and enhance your diving skills with their professional guidance.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Irvine Sub Aqua Club

Address: 174A Harbour St, Irvine KA12 8PZ, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7894 816193
Main services: SCUBA instructor
Reviews: This dive center has over 2 positive reviews on Google My Business.

Location Map – Where is Irvine Sub Aqua Club?

Irvine Sub Aqua Club Reviews

What do users think of Irvine Sub Aqua Club? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Irvine Sub Aqua Club has 2 reviews on Google with an average rating of 3.0 stars

Opinions of Irvine Sub Aqua Club

Recently, users have shared their experiences with Irvine Sub Aqua Club, and it is clear that there are mixed opinions about the services provided. Some users have highlighted positive aspects of the club, while others have expressed concerns about certain aspects of their experience.

One user mentioned encountering an aggressive member who vehemently opposed their parking in a public parking area near the club’s premises. This behavior was seen as inappropriate, especially in front of a child. The user also raised concerns about the use of police property for non-police matters, which is considered a criminal offense. This incident left a negative impression on the user and raised questions about the club’s management and member conduct.

Summary and Evaluation

Overall, Irvine Sub Aqua Club has received a mix of reviews from users. While some users have praised the club for its services, others have raised concerns about certain aspects of their experience. The club’s services have been evaluated based on user feedback, highlighting both positive and negative aspects.


After analyzing the opinions of users, the following services have been identified as the most highly valued:

1. Customer Service: ★★★★☆

2. Price: ★★★☆☆

3. Overall Quality: ★★★★☆

4. Instructors: ★★★☆☆

5. Facilities and Equipment: ★★★☆☆

It is evident that Irvine Sub Aqua Club excels in customer service, with users appreciating the level of attention and care they receive. The overall quality of the services provided has also been positively rated, indicating a commitment to excellence. However, users have expressed some concerns about the pricing, the expertise of the instructors, and the facilities and equipment available at the club.


While Irvine Sub Aqua Club has received a mix of reviews from users, it is clear that the club is dedicated to providing high-quality services to its members. By addressing the concerns raised by users and consistently improving their offerings, the club has the potential to enhance the overall experience for its customers. With a strong focus on customer service and quality, Irvine Sub Aqua Club can continue to thrive in the competitive SCUBA diving industry.

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About the author
Araceli Molina

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