Buceo España La Herradura

Address, phone, full description, and reviews of Buceo España La Herradura

Dive into an Unforgettable Experience at Buceo España La Herradura

If you’re a diving enthusiast looking for an exceptional dive center in La Herradura, look no further than Buceo España. Located in the stunning coastal town of La Herradura, this dive center offers an unforgettable experience for divers of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking to take your first plunge into the underwater world or an experienced diver seeking new adventures, Buceo España has something special to offer.

Services Offered

Buceo España La Herradura takes pride in offering a wide range of services to cater to the needs of every diver. From introductory dives for beginners to advanced training and exploration dives for seasoned divers, the center has something for everyone. The dive center also provides equipment rental, guided tours, and certification courses for those looking to enhance their diving skills.

But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our satisfied customers have to say about their experiences at Buceo España:

“Ayer hice con mis 3 sobrinos un bautizo de buceo, para ellos por primera vez. Nuestra instructora fue Abi y no puedo estar más agradecida. La dedicación, el cuidado y el cariño con que nos atendió a cada uno no tiene precio. La experiencia superó con creces lo esperado. Nos transmitió calma, confianza y la pasión por el buceo. Mil gracias Abi. Nos veremos en el curso que lo haré pronto.” – Sonia Rodríguez Martín

“Sin duda alguna nuestro centro de confianza en la herradura. Buen material e instalaciones, trato inigualable. Trabajan de modo seguro, eficiente y con muy buen ambiente. Todos los años vamos mínimo un par de veces, 100% recomendable.” – Javier Herrera

“El mejor centro de buceo que conozco. El Mar de Alborán está lleno de sorpresas y el equipo de Buceo España te hace disfrutarlo desde antes incluso de que llegues al agua. Son expertos en submarinismo, en la zona y en como hay que tratar a los clientes para que se sientan como en una familia. Desde que comencé a bucear las inmersiones con Buceo España son una tradición ineludible. Recomendables 100%.” – Mónica Sánchez

Contact Buceo España La Herradura

After reading about the exceptional services offered at Buceo España La Herradura, we encourage you to experience it for yourself. Whether you’re a first-time diver or a seasoned pro, the dive center has something special in store for you. Simply contact them through their phone number 609 58 74 99 to book your next diving adventure. We’re confident that you’ll have an unforgettable experience with Buceo España La Herradura.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Buceo España La Herradura

Address: Av. Prieto Moreno, 4, 18697 La Herradura, Granada
Phone: 609 58 74 99
Email: core-js-bundle@3.2.1
Website: http://www.buceoespana.com/
Main services: Centro de buceo
Reviews: This dive center has over 185.0 positive reviews on Google My Business.
Hours: martes, De 9:00 a 20:00; miércoles, De 9:00 a 20:00; jueves, De 9:00 a 20:00; viernes, De 9:00 a 20:00; sábado, De 9:00 a 20:00; domingo, De 9:00 a 20:00; lunes, De 9:00 a 20:00

Location Map – Where is Buceo España La Herradura?

Reviews Buceo España La Herradura

What do users think of Buceo España La Herradura Do you have good or bad ratings?

Buceo España La Herradura has 185.0 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5 stars

User Reviews of Buceo España La Herradura

The user reviews of Buceo España La Herradura paint a picture of a dive center that is highly regarded by its customers. The reviews praise the professionalism, care, and dedication of the instructors, as well as the quality of the equipment and facilities. With an average rating of 5 stars, it is clear that this dive center has made a positive impression on its customers. Let’s take a closer look at the specific aspects of the dive center that have received the highest praise.

Exceptional Customer Service

The reviews repeatedly mention the exceptional customer service provided by the instructors at Buceo España La Herradura. Customers describe feeling calm, confident, and well-cared for throughout their experience. The dedication and passion of the instructors have left a lasting impression on the customers, with one reviewer expressing gratitude for the personalized attention given to each member of their group. This level of care and attention to detail is a crucial aspect of any dive center, and it is clear that Buceo España has excelled in this regard.

Quality Equipment and Facilities

Another aspect of Buceo España La Herradura that receives high praise is the quality of the equipment and facilities. Reviewers commend the center for providing good material and maintaining excellent facilities, creating a safe and efficient environment for diving. This dedication to maintaining high-quality equipment and facilities demonstrates a commitment to safety and customer satisfaction. It is no surprise that customers return to Buceo España La Herradura year after year, confident in the reliability of the equipment and facilities provided.

Expertise and Local Knowledge

The reviews also highlight the expertise and local knowledge of the Buceo España team. Customers appreciate the insight and guidance provided by the instructors, who are described as experts in the area and passionate about sharing their love for diving with their customers. This level of expertise not only enhances the diving experience but also fosters a sense of trust and confidence in the center. Knowing that the instructors are experienced and knowledgeable about the local waters and marine life adds an extra layer of value to the diving experience.


In conclusion, the user reviews of Buceo España La Herradura paint a clear picture of a dive center that excels in customer service, equipment quality, and expertise. The dedication, care, and passion of the instructors are consistently praised, as is the reliability and safety of the equipment and facilities. Customers also value the local knowledge and expertise of the Buceo España team, which enhances the overall diving experience. With an average rating of 5 stars and glowing reviews, it is evident that Buceo España La Herradura is a standout dive center that comes highly recommended by its customers. Whether you are a novice diver or an experienced enthusiast, it seems that Buceo España is a dive center that is worth considering for your next underwater adventure.

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About the author
Araceli Molina

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