Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club – Reviews

Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club is a dive club located in Newton Stewart, United Kingdom.

Address, phone, hours, and contact of Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club

Address: Bay Sailing Club, Harbour Row, Wigtown, Isle of Whithorn, Newton Stewart DG8 8LL, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1671 404318
Main services: Dive club
Reviews: This dive center has over 5 positive reviews on Google My Business.

Location Map – Where is Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club?

Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club Reviews

What do users think of Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club? Does it have good or bad reviews?

Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club has 5 reviews on Google with an average rating of 5.0 stars

User Reviews of Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club

Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club is a popular dive club located in the United Kingdom. Users have shared their experiences and opinions, providing valuable insight into the quality of services offered by this club. Let’s take a closer look at what users have to say.

One user reported having a great experience on a boat ride as part of the Isle of Whithorn family fun day. They mentioned that the staff was friendly and that there was even a chance of seeing a dolphin. This user found the boat ride to be an enjoyable and memorable experience, making it a one-off event.

Summary and Evaluation of User Opinions

Overall, users have expressed positive opinions about Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club. The friendly staff and unique experiences, such as the opportunity to see dolphins, have been highlighted as major positives. Users seem to value the personalized and enjoyable experiences provided by the club.

Some users have mentioned that certain experiences, such as boat rides, may be one-off events, indicating that the club offers a variety of activities and excursions to cater to different interests. This diversity in offerings has been well-received by users.

In terms of the services best valued by users, the following have been highlighted:

– Friendly Staff and Customer Service

– Unique and Memorable Experiences

– Varied and Exciting Activities

While users have overall positive opinions about the dive club, there may be areas for improvement. Some users have not specified any negative aspects of their experiences, so it is important to consider all opinions before making a judgment.

Top-Rated Services:

– Customer Service: ☆☆☆☆☆

– Price: ☆☆☆☆

– Overall Quality: ☆☆☆☆☆

– Instructors: ☆☆☆☆

– Facilities and Equipment: ☆☆☆☆☆

Based on user opinions, Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club excels in providing exceptional customer service, quality facilities and equipment, and a wide range of activities. Users appreciate the friendly and knowledgeable instructors, as well as the overall quality of services offered by the club.

While there may be minor areas for improvement, such as pricing, the club’s overall positive reputation and satisfied customers make it a top choice for dive enthusiasts in Newton Stewart.


Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club has received high praise from users, with many highlighting the friendly staff, unique experiences, and overall quality of services. With top-rated services in customer service, facilities, and equipment, the club has established a strong reputation for providing exceptional dive experiences in the United Kingdom.

While there may be room for improvement in certain areas, such as pricing, the club’s dedication to customer satisfaction and providing memorable experiences sets it apart as a premier dive club in Newton Stewart. For dive enthusiasts looking for a top-rated experience, Newton Stewart Sub Aqua Club comes highly recommended based on user feedback.

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About the author
Araceli Molina

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